I've tried to inform myself about the history of origami, but it's been difficult, in Portugal there are little books about origami, so i've been using books in english and data from the internet.
I've found a lot of debate about the cradle of origami, no one now isquite sure where it begun.The theory more argued, and i think more logical it's that of seniority, if paper was invented in China in 100 B.C, and it only arrived in Europe more or less in the XI century, Asia had pratically one millennium to develop origami, it's a margin way too big for there not to have been a promotion of this pratice.
The evidences that could refute this tesis, it's the testimony of the recreative pratice of origami in Japan, only in the XVII century, the same happens in Europe. Also the fact that origami praticed in Germany is completly different from the japanese.
Another issue is the origin of the word Origami, many give it´s frequent use only in the XVII century, and that folding paper had other names.
However, there is a point of agreement, that origami bloomed and massified in the XX century, thanks to the work of Akira Yoshizawa (Yoshizawa Akira in japanese), that was able to transform origami in a potential art, diverting from it's geometrical aesthetics. We have also the spanish philisopher Miguel Unamuno, that discovered the bird-base, and with
it´s own angular creations brought origami to the latin countries.
It is only in the second-half of the XX century, that origami achieves the current proportions, it went from a limited technique, very geometrical, to a art form that can criate any shape from a square or rectangle.
The doubts of the origin of origami continue, but the more questions asked, the easier it will be to find some and look for others.
P.S: Sorry for the errors, i'm a little rusty in english writting....
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